free speech

1840-50, Americanism
Examples from the web for free speech
  • They must be allowed to express their conclusions in free speech and in votes that are combined with those of millions of others.
  • From now on, it's basically going to be all the free speech that money can buy.
  • They argue that the patent is invalid because it restricts free speech and free thought.
  • What proponents of this argument do not realize is that it both defies logic and tramples free speech about science.
  • Perhaps this publication no longer properly represents reasonable levels of free speech.
  • These only reveal that free speech can be a totally unscientific scam.
  • free speech is a sham if you cannot find a domain registrar or web host willing to host your entirely legal speech.
  • They could not allow their predilection for free speech and their abhorrence of torture to endanger public safety.
  • Infringements on free speech such as this are nothing less than an abomination.
  • In a way, the sorry spectacle this family creates is a validation of free speech.
British Dictionary definitions for free speech

free speech

the right to express one's opinions publicly